nagaev vasily mikhailovich born 24 architect let's go, i'll show you something else . shortly before his death, he found a fight and concluded an agreement with the aliceman company, and they look after him, and he gave them an apartment after death. well, another contract, that is, well, not signed. you can certainly assume that the black realtors woke up. he himself said the contract was not signed. and maybe they he was specially tortured, and in order for him to sign the contract no traces, no torture was found. so it's you, what, a real serious disclosure. we first lift, don't worry here on the wall. something hung. it would be necessary to find out that aha, but there was once something lying here, too, to find out that he has heirs, that they are not visible. welcome back, remember that businessman from novosibirsk, minaev, whom we had to clean up. speak. we are sable the philosopher of specific performers, he cleaned up. moscow, he has no rifle connections, but he is on friendly terms with thief in law father. and what are your recommendations? clean up sobolev