cavalry, the same nomads were required , the same nomadic light, fast cavalry was required, well, the nagailims, as it were, there was no trust, and the kalmyks were buddhists, they were definitely already confessional, did not allege with the muslims, and at the same time they were superior to them in weapons complex, since they preserved the traditions that were in the army of genghis khan, therefore the kalmyt konitskis always won the clash with the krymchaks, always inflicted they are defeated. the main advantage of the nomads was mobility; the kalmyk leaders skillfully used the terrain to conduct reconnaissance and set up ambushes. the kalmyk cavalry attacked the enemy suddenly. warriors they had excellent command of several types of weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques. from the ability to hold on perfectly. the life of nomads depended on riding and shooting accurately; children from an early age went on long trips, during which they learned the necessary skills from adults. kalmys women also mastered the art of war. a man, from early childhood he went with his elders, with his