nagata owns the business. the car was manufactured in 1938.agata's father bought it around 1955. >> translator: back then, a four-wheel drive vehicle was rare. i still remember staff members taking it for a spin. in their free time. >> reporter: eventually the kurogane yonki wore out. three years ago a nonprofit group offered to revive it. the head of the organization visited to check on the vehicle's condition. the prognosis was good. >> translator: automobiles are a way of understanding industrial history. i want to restore the car so future generations can learn from it. >> translator: more than anything, i want people to know that this unique automobile was made in japan. >> reporter: the car was transported to another city for restoration. original parts were used whenever possible. here's the engine as it was. after disassembling it, the team members concluded they could repair most of the parts. they also were able to rescue the door by replacing the bottom part with new steel plates. the driver's seat couldn't be salvaged. some other i