but i know in lake view they were resentful about ray nagen. on the surveillance transparency act night before surveillance transparency act -- saturday night before it happened, they were out to eat at the steak knife. it is like you have kathleen blanco living in a bunker in the emergency operation center in b baton rouge. you know what nagin did? spent the afternoon five hours because we had a big part as believe it or not a corrupt mayor. he is not sitting in a federal prison serving a ten year sentence for misconduct in office. he spent five hours on a movie studio where blanco and others know there is a horrific category four at the point, about to be category five, and the head of the national hurricane center calls, dr. max mayfield, the head of the hurricane center doesn't call politicians but he wanted to scare the governor of new orleans like you have to do something here. he is in wake field, and you know, he is up in the chopper a few days after katrina and goes to the 17th street canal, the canal where the wall fell and flood lake