nagl members are responsible for approximately 80% of the annual seven a volume as well as the lender portions of the sba 504 loans. thank you very biting me to testify and for holding this hearing on the important issue of small businesses, availability to access capital. in the interest of time, i will submit my full written testimony for the record and provide just a brief summary. i want to begin by publicly thanking the international franchise association, ifa, for taking a leading role driving the discussion on the direct correlation between access to credit, job creation and economic development. because of the exemplary effort of nagl and i say assayed today, we have a seven a loan program that is much better able to make the meet the capital needs of america's small-business. and it is important to note that the isc work on this issue did not and with the passage of the small-business jobs at. approximately a year ago, while we were working on credit access issue on different tracks, nagl and ifa begin a dialogue that we have continued. through those encounters we came to rea