functions of the futenma base should be transferred to a new air field to be constructed on the coast of nago city, also in okinawa. >>> a survey has found that japan's march 11th tsunami triggered at least 130 fires, destroying over 5 million square meters of the northeastern three prefectures. that's the worst case on record in japan. fires were sparked when fuel from tanks and ships drifting after the tsunami were ignited by vehicle batteries or other sources. once lit, flames spread quickly as tsunami debris hinders firefighters. firefighters from iwate, miyagi, and fukushima prefectures told nhk that 131 fires had been reported at a total area of around 5.65 million square meters have burnt in four cities and towns. similar fires occurred when major earthquakes hit japan in 1964 and 1993. but damage in each incident was about 1/100 that of the march 11th disaster. the figure is likely to rise as the fire departments continue to survey the northeast. >>> the japan society of civil engineers has revised down the height of the highest tsunami of march 11th, which it says was 39.7 meters in miyak