she managed to carry on. —— nagress sadjady. i confess, i missed it. seen the clip. it is all over the internet. i have heard the song. i did think it was rubbish. and even though this guy did this thing to her, still nobody voted for her. i think i was probably right. i interviewed her a few weeks ago. she was so delightful, it didn't matter what the song was like. i thought she behaved brilliantly on the stage. the protest grabbed her microphone and within ten seconds she was back singing, belting it out. refusing the chance to do it again. what a great shame. let me find the sunday times. trust me, says a politician. why do they say that? trust me, i won't let you down. what is theresa may going to do then? not all politicians are baddies. you can trust some. unfortunately, theresa may is just talking a load of old nonsense, frankly. doesn't mean to say we trust her but we are not clear what she wants to do will stop she writes in the sunday times without really saying anything. we will take back control of our social policy and our tech policy. wha