ed nagy takes the coordinates from this photo and puts them into google maps. seconds later finding the city, neighborhood, even the exact house where the shot was taken. >> they can geo locate your house. they now know because of facebook you're overseas and your house is unattended. >> reporter: across the country criminals are using social media and geotagging to target unsuspecting victims. this man in california accused of finding his 33 burglary victims through photos posted on instagram. most of his alleged victims were students. investigators say he used the gps coordinates in pictures to track where victims lived and then came by to grab electronics, wallets and more. galvin pleaded not guilty and is awaiting child. >> that some stranger can find a picture on the intert and be able to geolocate our home. social media is a great tool but can a huge, huge dang sneer geolocations are being used in new apps every day like the wildly popular pokemon go. >> it's just a game but it uses your geo location data as part of the game. >> reporter: and he says the