or the nahb traffic index which asks builders to assess the traffic of prospective home buyers.t's up a lot. these things can turn quickly and sharply. it's too soon to tell. >> and confidence is everything. you've studied that with equity prices, right? things are better. people feel better. the economy is better. if -- when housing turns, how quickly can it turn? >> well, see, it depends on whether real animal spirits come back. it could languish for 20 years. it could just stay where it is. maybe it's coming back, but i don't see any clear signs of that. there's no reason why we have to have another boom soon. we might. but there's no reason. and we've been kind of shocked. we went through a depression scare. so it could be 20 years before we have another boom. for the nation. >> whatto what extent can the overall economy improve, gdp show marked improvement without the participation of housing? >> well, i think that it will improve. we'll have a reallocation into other things. for example, into other kinds of construction, apartment construction. we need highways fixed. the