nahimi, take it, he said what to take , i said take it, he said what to take, i said, take a picture, he said what i said, dad, the subject has a bride and a son-in-law, a bride has come, i said, i heard that the maid had come, it was very interesting, then we left. we asked him what happened , he said that tonight is my wedding night, i came here today , i also voted, and i said, "why did you come here with this wedding dress and this with this city code?" he said for the security of my country is very important. i went to iraq and syria during the war with isis. during the war with isis, i saw that there were houses in damascus that had been destroyed by bombs and chinese people were displaced . being us first, we should appreciate this security , then in the next stage of this democracy, this was very great, but that security was not there when the partners we have are displaced. this is not a slogan, i say from the bottom of my heart, this is not a slogan. the real winner is the people who came to greet you, i think two minutes we have time in this department . did you do somethin