e has en menong iberty a eem. -- naib] stevou le 's breakin up pessisc.ess hto m he was mo ssimisc bhis onnti the,t'ha to tell >> tnk he s ilg with the tmpn s esmaonwa't going to be concnewi ploph o regis eem. anou be scefuif 're ignorghe 400ound ria in t rm. >> i don't tnk tru i coerd ou aotf thin nsvavear cceed abt. i don't tnke'anne ofhe this a l o chstiansarabou onefue w tcngs e in wveeetalkin abt ncth ection our ogm ha fm a tandpoint, i think a lot oth potenalf trump delivs meangl, t dald inoabt ccerning anreltanwiin sof you vehe conrviv leerarnd tru, o ve levera wh m,hoavhis hitespenc, e jey lwell,r. tse types,ho pple, t ppl whbe or ckrdfo trp,efeyor, op w wall for umth e tu cseates ifho pple goo esiden trp and say, he'shae run on t tin time. rehaoudertnt you'veotour populist nioli dertment, right? derateeptmt. iss wt eeptmt needs. fos be inhe black. r tgive y the p&l statenth y nd. i thinofhoros a t on tt veoeler the e e es who have to say,o, we don' wanthion we wanhaon , d't wa ttud. wt is one. noweo'tan thataut wthion whevert y . i think that thas athe wa. thk you veo discus