they might express or their own, which we will perform after consultation of the membership of the naihao now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you a little bit about our guest today.these two women hold the p offices in the national association of immigration judges. they have held those fort 12 years. in that capacity they regularly speak to colleagues that are immigration judges throughout the united states. denise noonan slaven has spent 20 years as a judge and works as a krome detention center in miami. prior to that served as a prosecutor for ins. she worked for the department of justice. the criminal division bringing to justice nazi war criminals in the united states. dano lee marks is a 27 year judge raised in san francisco. prior to that an attorney where she specialized in immigration and where she also was the lead counsel in the landmark supreme court case that set the applicable standards for asylum cases. so first, we will hear from judge marks. >> welcome, everyone. hang onto your hats because today the judge and i will take you on a whirlwind two were -- tour