despite its own action, despite its own guidelines stating the selling of sex is it's after midnight in nairobiktok live. there's money to be made. giggling in areas like this, i've been told teenagers are being recruited onto some live streams. she was just 15 at the time. i sell myself on tiktok. i do that because that's a way i can earn money to support myself. i get some money from that. as nudity and sexual acts are more likely to be removed h says the man who recruited her onto the livestream takes he said, it is ok, and he loves young girls below 18, and he gives them work. as young as nine years old. and these young girls also, because of poverty, he said, it is ok, and he loves young girls below 18, and he gives them work. charities say they are seeing more cases of child sexual exploitation through livestreaming, some as young as nine years old. it's both locals and the foreigners target these young girls. and these young girls also, because of poverty, they are driven to look for money from people who offer them sexual whatever. we call it sextortion. tiktok guidelines ban the sellin