. >> on naja over here, her issue is how dry it is. every time she goes in with smpoo, she's striing and roing her hair. it becomes unruly, anit's a vicious cle. >> i always have to put conditioner in it, leave-in conditioners, os, and it's always hard finding the combination of what i should put in it. >> so, we're gonna clese both of our gis just one time with wen, and you will not believe the difference. >> what we did today is we did an experiment on wen with fe hair and overly coarse hair. such curly hair. can run my fingers already right through it. >> as soon as i applied theainconditioner to her hair, you could instantly see the shine even when the ir was wet. >>his is because of wen, because all the moisture is being put back into this curl. >> all the color came back into her hair. >> wle hr ll getounce. >> and it ew out so easily. >>ou remember what they lookelike before. lo at 'em now. rebecka's hair was fine, frizzy, and brassy. now it's smooth, shiny, and hydrated. >> looks amazing. >> so, here we have naja, who, her "bef