najah hello there hello i haven't seen you in ages how are you. visitors are a rare sight here the nearest settlement to sixty kilometers from cape. yup i made some pies fresh from the oven i'll make some tea if you wait a minute oh thank you my idea of the dish to mislead takes care of the household chores. is responsible for maintaining the lighthouse he has to be a jack of all trades there is nobody to help if something goes wrong. we are proud to live here even if it means living so far away. we are like border guards. it's like living at the end of the world that's true there are rocks on one side and sea on the other there are no people around here you see nobody but beasts and even they are very tame. before dusk goes to the lighthouse there are more than two hundred time one steps in the spiral staircase. in the soviet union the lighthouse was a strategic naval installation and was guarded accordingly a sentry was on round the clock usually at the entrance. much has changed since then but the litel still requires daily maintenance speciall