the whale's name is nakai and there was a huge gash taken out of the chunk of the chin and the questiona whale fight? did something happen? how did the injury happen? >> he injured it against the side of the pool or one of the areas where he goes through the channels and things like that. so we, i was just there, i saw him he's actually doing really, really well. >> healing? >> it's hard to look at that. >> definitely not a sightly injury there, but it's amazing how well he is doing. he's responding to the other whales and the trainers and everything just like normal. >> will that regenerate, will it grow back? >> yes. actually we're figuring that after it all grows back in, just like a normal wound, it gran hates. -- it granulates. >> but he's in chlorine. >> it heals up really good and i'm thinking, that's good for the whale. >> no. >> salt also heals, too. >> how about the birds, we've got a barn owl. in the house. >> this is like the best rat trap in the world. it means you don't need to use pesticides or put poisons out. >> what does he like? >> he's a rodent eater right here. the