nakamatsu:, in order to select camera, usually looks lens or a body mechanism or these things. but in my case, of course, i still do check, but in addition to this, my method is smell camera. this is a very good test because smell express all quality of a camera process. please try. [mike laughing] mike: wh--what should i be looking for when i'm smelling the camera? nakamatsu: now i'm smelling. mike: what do-- is that a good one? nakamatsu: yeah, that's a good one. [mike laughing] mike: whwh it's s smell like? nakamatsu: very good smell. this is latest camera. mike: ha ha! well, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for visiting with us.. certainly y appreciate it. nakamatsu: ok. all right. very good. mike: so long. coming up next, meet a young student who is ahead of her class. way ahead. most young girls her age were attending sleepovers and playing video games, but not thessalonika arzu-embry. instead of being a typical kid, she was busy graduating high school at the age of-- get this--