in general, the national cuisine of yakutia, systematized by the gurus of local cooking and nakenty torbakhovis very diverse. its basis is meat dishes from beef, venison and foal, as well as delicious desserts, the most important of which are kirchekh, whipped cream with the addition of strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries or ice creams. no matter how modern the restaurant is, it prepares kirchekh exclusively by hand, the traditions and ecological purity of products for yakut cuisine, its advantage in the world of globalism, now fashionable trends in chemicals, thickeners there, we still have natural, ecologically clean products, real taste, for of course, there are a lot of opportunities, from raw materials that are not available anywhere, we try all sorts of different things, of course, new technologies, and well, we also succeed, 2022, the centenary year of the formation of the yakut autonomous soviet socialist republic, it is appropriate to ask what is the main thing today the treasure of yakutia is traditionally called the republic's mineral resources. enterprises conduct year-round