feeling. bursting, teams, nakhimovskaya brings up loyalty, the ability to make friends, come to the rescue family, as the song says, three together, hop, four, well done, hop, i was a military man, yes, that was my favorite job , yes, now i have a second favorite job, which i am proud of, in fact, therefore, here in st. petersburg, this nakhinovsky school, it’s here, it carries some kind of... very a positive emotion, yes, as they say, a very sacred place, that is, the generation of minohimites, this needs to be perceived, this needs to be absorbed and this needs to be passed on. to show children that this is the best thing they can ever have in life. georgy muru, son of the famous specialist in the field of ship lifting nikolai petrovich muru. he graduated from nakhimovskoye derzhinka, just like his two older brothers. now captain of the first rank, director of the 51st central design and technological institute of ship repair. he shows the icon nakhimov school, which he is proud of and which he always wore on his jacket, even with some violation of the regulations. then it’s already ther