to date , 30 nakhimovtsy have successfully passed the qualification exam and received a state-issuedtificate. who knows, maybe one of these guys will become an outstanding operator in the future unmanned systems, not necessarily military, but certainly a master. the non-obligation of obtaining higher military education for graduates before higher educational institutions of the ministry of defense is a special topic. currently, not all graduates of the nakhimov school enter military universities. in soviet times, such a situation was impossible to imagine. 100% of our graduates went to naval educational institutions. and 100% of graduates of higher educational. naval educational institutions went to ships. today, nakhimovites to receive higher education can choose any university in the country. currently, unfortunately, not all graduates go to higher military educational institutions, because in accordance with the law on education, a child has the right to independently choose his future destiny and where to study in a higher educational institution. we too. let's say, unfortunately