that would be a big that would be a big change mr nala seanie you wrote yesterday in the online newspaper link yesterday you wrote that the fact that we have talian said often been masters of bad debt does not matter now or that we should own up to it how do you convince though the german government the dutch government that your past behavior is not an indicator of italy's future behavior when it comes to debt. well it interests them less while of the one you mention we should them knowledge that even though today as utopians we need to do that that too for social investment is that as it alan's in the past we've done a lot of bets that. shoot them out of that the 2nd thing is that they knew that should be this i don't buy european institutions i'm not asking for a knockout just to pay for it and that i am asking all of the european countries to the. new bar as i do european level one to solve all together. to face together paris which will decide to get their work of the graveyard we should decide to get there what are the areas and it was that we use to face unemployment and the really