it's time to eat, this is nalgizine again nalgezin is the brand name of the drug. here it is written naproxen. buying this drug. you must understand that it will be taken no more than twice a day. it has low cardiovascular risks and analgin has low side effects compared to other drugs in the group, so for adults, of course, this drug is a drug of choice. and this too, dear friends , you need to know why i emphasize that for adults, because we treat children in everything, in general, in a different way, everything is assigned to people sleeping for 15 years. and one more rule of treating pain without a doctor if these medicines did not help you within 5 days. you need to go to the doctor and sort it out. what is the cause of the pain. this is also an important rule. do not be alone with your pain, look for the cause and the way out, and be sure to do an mri of the area where the pain occurred before going to the doctor. you need a doctor to find and eliminate the cause of the pain and while the examinations are going on. the doctor will explain to you that almost a