you about our upcoming luncheon speakers ochl may 4, mark rizzo, general manager of the washington nalgsales. may 30th, anna marie sla vez, chief executive officer of the girl executes of the usa talking about the 100 years of girl scouting anded on june 4, gerald r. ford journalism awards with chris mathews will be here at our club. second, i'd like to present our guest with our traditional mnpc mug. [ applause ] >> and a couple of quick last questions. do you known when the washington monument will reopen for visitors? >> we're working on it very hard, and i think it will be maybe a year or so out by the time that the construction takes place. >> since you once said you didn't want to be in politics, do you sometimes wish you didn't go beyond that one year? >> i think my family might have the opinion that i would have been home more than i am if i had. gone into the public world, but i will say this. at the end of the day when i speak withal ison and debbie and teresa, the fact is we have so much to celebrate in terms of what the united states stands for in the world and what we stand for