siamak namazi was the longest held american in iran, a horrifying eight year ordeal in the evin prison, where he underwent solitary confinement and frequent psychological and physical torture. six months before his release, namazi bravely called in to our program from inside that prison to make this emotional plea to president biden. >> president biden, you and you alone have the power to deliver on the obama administration's broken promises to my family. i implore you, sir, to put the lives and liberty of innocent americans above all the politics involved, and to just do what's necessary to end this nightmare and bring us home. thank you. >> and in an extraordinary development, it worked. six months after that interview, he was released. iran and the now outgoing biden administration struck a deal to bring him and four other iranian americans back home. it took namazi another year to decide to go public with his ordeal, and to tell us what freedom feels like. so this holiday season, here is some of our exclusive interview. siamak, welcome back to the program. thank you very much. the