namkada had to completely reconstruct, in fact , build anew two dozen interchanges, with each stage the transport began to move faster, traffic jams became less. we completed the program of reconstruction of interchanges on the main highways, which intersect with the moscow ring road, a total of 22 interchanges. this is a huge structure, which includes. tunnels, overpasses, bridges. the work is very complex, voluminous, carried out simultaneously, practically with the movement of cars, without stopping traffic. simultaneously with the construction of interchanges widened the roadway of the moscow ring road, reconstructed the outbound highways. with the completion of the construction of the last overpass, the last interchange, the entire moscow ring road becomes, in essence, a single transport and infrastructure complex of the latest generation with the most convenient exits and entrances, on which there is almost no need to reduce speed, and the likelihood of traffic jams is minimal, traffic has become more convenient for millions of drivers, during rush hours, entering or leaving the m