this is appealing the nanaimo on april 28th, 2010, of the permit to alter a building, 3rd story vertical addition, one story horizontal addition to the front, two-story horizontal addition to the rear, to an existing single-family house. >> do we need to wait? >> no, we can start now. >> scott sanchez, planning department. this is the denial of an application that what is submitted in 2009. the residential design team recommended minor changes. there is also the stairs at the rear of the building. as this relates to the project sponsor, the project sponsor respectfully refuse to make those decisions and the recommendation that the project be modified in those it the ways. it was a difficult decision for the residential design team to make. there was a tremendous amount about reached that the project sponsor had done. there was low or no opposition to those projects. one thing that we do want to make clear and two proposals were said to the planning commission. i think that everyone would agree that the project should move forward. there is the project that was initially proposed, there w