nanchang city is located 1200 kilometers south of beijing.t's home to a couple that creates hand crafted photo booklets and also discover new talent. their work space measures about seven square meters. su and her husband guanwi have been making booklets with young photographers and poets for about three years now. they do everything from the planning to editing. so far they have produced 13 booklets. the couple emphasize quality over quantity with meticulous attention to color and paper quality. she decided to make her own booklets after she studied at university in the u.k. there she saw books that had designs and lay outs she had never seen in china. even children's books were beautifully illustrated and displayed. what surprised her most is it was created by amateurs. an art gallery dedicated to young photographers work cently opened in a residential district of beijing.rcently opened in a residential district of beijing.recently opened in al district of beijing. it includes up and coming photographers, famous artists and publishers. thei