my name is nancy arbuckle. i am a san francisco resident. i am a water drinker and i would like to speak on behalf of the fish today. but to do that, we need to use real words and not a euphemism. fish don't swim in hydrology. they don't spawn in adaptive management. they need water and so we need to talk about water. i believe we can restore our ecosystem and have a reliable water supply. to do that, i want to ask that you respect the strongly held values of your constituents. it is by working with the environmental groups that you will be effective and we will all be effective. in fact, public opinion polls show the public respects of the opinion the opinion of environmental groups more than the p.u.c. i have data to back that up which i can leave with you. there have been a number of surveys done. environmental protection is the strongest motivator for people to conserve water. people conserve water, expecting their actions to benefit the environment. for instance, during the recent drought, this did not happen. the water we concert was h