be. 30 years ago, you wouldn't even say the words "breast cancer" on television. 30 years ago, nancy brinker'ssan g. komen. for the cure. and she's our guest today. glad to have you here. >> thank you. >> a promise to end cancer. to find a cure for cancer. that's quite a promise you make. >> when someone you love, and you look at someone like your sister in their last moments and she asks you to do something, you do it. i thought it would take 10, 12 years. i had no idea, i promised her, if it took the rest of my life. it's been an amazing journey much of which i chronicled in this book. i talk about cancer, where we are, realistically where i think we can be. and the amazing journey we've had building susan g. komen for the cure. >> your sister was diagnosed in the mid-70s with breast cancer. it was a world of difference then. what was that like for her? >> she was a beautiful, young, productive, 33-year-old woman. in a community that loved her. people would cross the street when they heard she had breast cancer. because they were not words you spoke out loud. >> they thought it was contagiou