. >> here to react, author, nancy collier. good morning. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> what is bill mar doing. he's literally hating president trump so much that he's rooting for another recession. >> i don't think he''s really rooting for another recession. i think what he's trying to point out is that our democracy is at stake right now. if there are no rules, then there's no system. and what we're seeing right now is that if somebody is above the law and people that commit crimes or do whatever they do are let off the hook, which is what's being suggested right now, then we have no system to protect us. i don't know if you really pushed bill martha he meant we should suffer more financially. actually the economy is doing quite well and that's one thing we're really excited about. i don't foe if he might have been being a bit sarcastic. but the rules are being taken away. democracy. >> hang on. it prejudges that the president has done anything illegal to begin with. the whole notion that the president is above the law and it's so