south florida you may have seen this ted talk on you tube and we welcome back psycho therapist nancy collier author of among other books the power of off the mindful way to stay sane and our virtual world nancy joins us from our new york bureau thank you both for joining us. thanks for having me i was struck by a report from the national institute on retirement security based on census data the 2 thirds of americans aged 21 to 32 have 0 saved for retirement like all of us they have day to day expenses that make saving for the future a challenge but there's evidence that many young adults actually feel hopeless about the future and a big reason is their deep concern about the environment and climate change and nancy to this layman it seems like a stretch based on your work does this ring true there is vast concern there is a kind of growing terror that their children will not have a planet to live on you know millenniums are smart and they listen to science and they're afraid and they're also afraid because most of them are carrying so much student debt and credit card debt that they really d