i have a section in my chapter on czars about the health care czar, nancy deparle. this is somebody who if she had had an r by her name would have been roundly condemned by team obama as a profiteer in the health care industry. in the last couple of years, she madepwards of $6 million lobbying and working for various health care companies, hospital companies. and there haseen very little disclosure of her activities in the white house because she's a czar, she's beyond congressional accountability. she works in the dark. we kw thanks to a left-leaning watchdog group, crew, here in washington that the white house was meeting with these hospital executives and only under threat of lawsuit did the white house finally disclose the list of executives. they have not, however, told us which white house administration offials were in those meetings. but guess what? nancy deparle has financial ties to some of those executives who were in the meetings. i'd like to know, the public should know was nancy deparle in those meetings, and if she was, why didn't she recuse herself?