ditomaso nancy -- nancy ditomaso argues a you cannot network with people you don't know. and it isn't so much about discrimination as much as favoritism. people hire people like themselves. to put it bluntly, whites higher whites. -- whites hire whites. it is good to have you on the program. let me start by asking you the obvious question. how do you have racial inequality without racism? >> the primary argument in my book is that racial inequality gets reproduced i merely by whites helping other whites more than five whites actively discriminating and doing things to blacks and other nonwhites. because we have focused so much on the issues of race and discrimination, i think that we have missed this very real dynamic, that people essentially get jobs because of the people who are like them help them get their jobs. 70% ofstudy that i did, the jobs that people got over their lifetimes included some kind of extra help like this. either getting information that other people didn't have. having somebody used influence on their behalf, such as this is my friend, help them. or