with me tonight in the hall is dayton high school jag student joey doyle and his jag advisor, nancy gardner. joey grew up in challenging circumstances that most of us can only imagine. despite these challenges, joey made a conscious decision to turn his life around, and with the help of good friends, mentors, and the jag program, he is now a senior at dayton high school on track to graduate. joey is proud to be a member of the dayton high school jag program, and joey, we are proud of you. my budget includes sufficient resources to fund the jag program to include up to 50 additional high schools by 2014 and to serve nearly 2,000 additional high school students. to all our current jag students and specialists, thank you for setting an example across the state. as we make these investments, we must also recognize how nevada has changed, our schools are more diverse. more than 15% of nevada's students are english language learners. the clark county school district alone is responsible for more than 50,000 english language learners, representing more than 150 languages. the challenges these stud