howard baker of tennessee mark hatfield republican from oregon. george mitchell, a democrat from maine. bob dole, republican from kansas , nancy. barbara mikulski, democrat from maryland. this is a place where friendships were made. i will never forget, hubert humphrey was on his last leg dying of cancer, going through intense chemotherapy. he died shortly thereafter. very goldwater walk up to him and them embracing. both crying. the entire united states senate rising to its feet for sustained , emotional applause. barry goldwater and hubert humphrey. as a consequence the senate functioned as it was designed. the nation in the midst of the turmoil in those early years that i served arrived at consensus. all of america was better for it. all those i mentioned, including former and current senators are with us today. they understood and understand no one has a corner on the truth. no one's perspective is the only perspective. each of them understood as teddy that our actions in this chamber must ultimately reflect the decent saying, the honor, and the capacity of the american people. that we are privileged to serve. i know it is