that trail-blazer is nancy lieberman and she continues to make her mark on the game, as the first woman coach of a professional men's team. perhaps more than anything else, nancy's leadership stems from her drive and determination. and it goes all the way back to her childhood. >> rick: this is far rockway, new york-- part of queens in new york city. and this is the modest house where nancy lieberman grew up in the 1960s and early '70s. while still in elementary school, lieberman began playing a variety of sports, but it wasn't long before she ran into her first barrier. >> well, i played baseball and football first and foremost. i tried to play p.a.l. baseball and i was the starting outfielder, and the day before my first game, i was told that i couldn't play because i was a girl, even though i played with the same guys all the time. i was so disappointed in that that i ended up playing basketball. >> rick: as lieberman got increasingly involved in playing basketball, her mother, renee, tried to push her in a different direction. >> and i said to nancy, "this is for boys, you're never