. >> thank you very much and we have presentations from barbara hale of the pcp and nancy miller from lafco, i didn't see you over there. >> barbara hale, assistant general manager for power, we provided some handouts that are available to the public and to the commissioners, i just wanted to give you a quick update on three items, where things are at with the sfpuc and the california public utilities commission, the status of our customer notification and education plan and an update on our legislation related to clean energy and ms. radica fox will provide the legislative update for you, with respect to the first item, the sfpuc activities, we are progressing as planned, we are on time as our time schedule, we have rated options possible at our commission on march 12th, at that time, we'll be presenting our commission with a customer poll results, we'll be presenting the not to exceed rate for adoption and possible adoption, consideration and possible adoption and that will be accompanied with a report from the rate fairness board providing the commission with advice on those not to