nancy pelolosi accusing william barrrr of lying to congress.nder s scrutiny for sasaying he d did not know if robert mueller agreed with the summary of his report. >> william b barr is in ththe ht seat over the robert mueller investigation. thursday, he l left empty. to e attorney g general failed show up p for quesestioning bece of a disagrereement over who wod be allowed to question himim. the incident has aggggravated democrats, many claiming the trump administration is sidestepping oversightht pers. nancpelosi took that further, accusing barr of commititng a crime. >>>> he liedo o congressss. if anybodydy else didid that, it would d be considered a crime. nobody is above the law, , not e president of the ited states, not the attorney general. >>>> the were revevelations that robert mueller wrote a letterr claiming t the attorneyy g gen's information on the report did not capture the nature of it. the justice department failed to release an unredacted copy of the report by the deadlinene. chairman ofof the house committee sasaved he e will g