just today hou speaker nancy pesi went so fa as to worry aloud about vionce. she was recalling the past, 1970s in san francisco. we have a clip he, i'd like to play it r you. >> i a v concerns about some of the langge that is being us because i sa.. i saw this myself in the late70s in san francisco, this kind of rheric was very frightening anit gave..it created a climate in which we... violence took place and so i... i wish that weçóÑq;3 all agaiurb our enthusiasm in so of the statements that are made. >> reporter: wt's your reacon to what she says? >> well, i have no doubt th the speaker is sincere in r concern. we want americans to be involved in these debates. we want them involved in our democracy. we would he their involvement would civil because these are important sues. and when peopleet t loud, they get too hateful, it... you can't haveuch of a conversation. and today we oht to be encouragg americans to be involving themselves ithis debate but theyught to d in the a civil tone. >> porter: right, butas the leer of yourparty, as one of the leaders, ho do