more campuses than before and i would just share with you that i happen to be at a function where nancy pilosi and i made a pitch for our program if we had to appeal with cms we would be back in contact with her for her assistance, but given the new numbers this month this looks like we are forgo writing a letter of appeal, thank you. i think that we need a picture. i don't know how we are going to do th. but somebody has got to get a picture and i don't know if i always end up on the end. and there is a lot of short people in this group today. okay come on. >> and i just want to say, while they are getting together on this picture, that last week, i attended three days of cms training. and i tell you, it was gruesome, but you did look at all of the policies and everything and what is happening with people and i can't remember everything, but i kind of know where things should go, you should go here or go to this person over there and i did go and see one of my clients out in the neighborhood, and they are at a home and i am so glad, i am a nurse, and i know what you are doing. and i used to d