nancy raney: he came to me very vividly in the dream and said, he said, dont worry, nancy.i knew she wouldnt just vanish. keith morrison: but of course nancy didnt know for sure. nancy raney: and every time something would pop up online, or wed get a text or something, there was this hope that maybe shes still out there. keith morrison: max was looking for answers his own way. about a month after nancy went to the shelter in omaha, max sent his mom a message on facebook. "hi." that was it, and then the next day cari responded. "hey, little man, how are you?" max messaged back. "i have three questions." keith morrison: things only she would know. max farver: yeah. yeah. things only she would know. keith morrison: max asked, "one, what is my middle name? two, what was our first boxers name (the dog)? three, who was my best friend as a little kid?" keith morrison: and what was the response? max farver: nothing. i-- i never got a response to that one. keith morrison: which meant what? was that his not- in-her-right-mind mom, or could his grandma be right that someone had kidnap