i'm nancy tongue. i have been for the last 18 years a public prosecutor, 11 of those years in the san francisco district attorney's office. i come to you as a private citizen. i'moff work at this point. as a first time candidate for the district attorney's office, one of the first things that people said to me when i thought about running office is money equals viability. it wasn't experience or knowledge. it was money. san francisco does done a good job at trying to mitigate the force of money in terms of what it does to our political system. but as you know, with the influence of special interest, pacs, the ability of people who are nontraditional candidates and people of color have been diminished in our political system. so i know that these reforms will not affect my race. i encourage the commission to support these reforms by increasing the maximum amount of public financing, increasing spending limits, increasing the match of public financing funds and increasing the initial grant given to candi