nancy wilson. michelle meyers. john rizzo. jim [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] and lois miles. if you heard your name, please come forward. >>> this one? okay. it. good afternoon, i'm nancy wilson. i'm here to support the apprentice program. i was at the rec and park commission when this was approved and i was extremely impressed with the way it was proposed. it was clear the apprentices would be comprehensively trained. they would provide a supply of qualified men and women to the permanent workforce. and they would also provide extra help in the parks while also saving the city money as they were in that [inaudible]. with their, quote, glitches or something like that in the system. it really is disheartening to feel that there's good pr and people are hopeful, but not when there are games that are being played or anything that's less than completely straightforward in getting these people hired as city employees. so, i want to encourage you to be extremely careful that this is not just, you know, oh, everything's fine and dandy with th