anyway, they said, nanette did it >> the evidence in this case and at this trial shows that nanette johnstonttorney said she was innocent and it was eric who committe the murder >> over the course of this trial, the evidence is going t show that he murdered mr mclaughlin, out of jealousy, out of greed and on his own. part >> mutual finger-pointed. the nanette's attorney, michae hill had to agree, his clien was an exactly - >> eight her as much as yo want for being a thief, a liar a cheat. (bleep). >> (bleep) >>. just because you're treate people poorly doesn't make you murder >> if she thought she wa getting 1 million dollars ou of a life insurance policy, million dollars is a lot o money. >> just because you're treated people poorly doesn't make you murder >> if she thought she wa getting 1 million dollars ou of a life insurance policy, million dollars is a lot o money. >> 1 million dollars is massive amount of money to people like me but 1 million dollars for her, that is pittance he was worth 55 millions whe he died. so, her long term plan is no to be with a deadly a deadbeat loser, want