as discussed, the proposed project a demolished existing of historic, nanking to begin building and construct two new buildings, one of the front, one at the rear, is compatible with an appropriate to the historic district. based upon the adopted statement, the significance for this district is the residential architecture which is represented by a wide range of times, structural types that predate the earthquake. the proposed project as designed would have a building at the front and at the rear. this matches the established pattern on the block and preserves the defining features of the district. the proposed building would be similar in height and massing and to the front and rear lot buildings on the block would have a flat roof which is the dominant form in the neighborhood and the style would be contemporary and would have wood-shingled citing, ornamentation, traditional features. to summarize, and this does not retain the integrity and is not a historic resource. there have been four separate qualified consultants are experts who came to the same conclusion. we have the architectural c