there are residual nanoprobes surrounding the wound. their encoding sequences are identical to my own. your nanoprobes? how? i don't know. take him to sick bay. what are you doing? a drone... but unlike any i've ever seen. it appears to be in the fetal stage. i don't understand. hey, man you okay? yeah, just a little shook up. this car...for a second, i thought it could be sue's. same make, model, same color, same year even. i see what you mean. i've been thinking about it all morning... i mean, what if something did happen to one of us? what would our family do? don't you have life insurance? no-we keep putting it off. just not sure we can afford it. well, i make the same as you, and i have a policy- you know, just something to help cover expenses. is it legit? it's from massmutual. yeah, i've heard of them they've been around a long time. and so will you-but you'll feel better knowing you are taking care of things. look, at lunch today, if you like, i can show you that policy online... yeah, i'd like that. if you're between age 50 and