, google long tail nanotargeting, and look another what fran lynn -- 140 distinct groups that they slice and dice the electorate. that the message -- one message is going to your neighbor and another message is go to you. and mail is so nefarious, it comes so late in some cases and it does its damage before the target of that negative attack even knows about it. >> i want to schedule another google long tail argument this year. in the last few days, i note that the romney super-pacs. ron paul has kicked in another million dollars and i think in the last couple of days, barack obama campaigned has actually spent a quarter million dollars in michigan attacking romney. would someone like to sketch out where the next four or five months are going in terms of how much money, i'm looking at ken, might be spent, just take us through, say, august. >> yeah, you know the austin powers movie when he sort of goes back in town, if you don't give me $10,000, i will blow up the world. i sort of feel like that's the conversation we're having now. we're going to see $2.5 billion conservati conservatively