the temple withstood all the tests in the expeditions of the nanson overdrop. and amundsen, after the most difficult polar crossings, was transferred to land as part of the restoration and made museums, which opened in oslo in 193. there , on october 26, 1927, the french court justified schwarzburd’s muel, he shot himself at petlyura, one of the leaders of ukrainian nationalists during the civil war. it was revenge for the monstrous atrocity of the petliurists, who destroyed tens of thousands jews, schwarzburd fought in the red army and saw it with his own eyes in the pogroms died, his whole family in paris, he tracked down petlyura and fired three bullets at him from a revolver, the prosecution tried to prove that petlyura allegedly defended the jews, and the killer acted at the instigation of moscow, but more 100 witnesses spoke about the savage crimes of the nationalists, according to the poet alexander vertinsky, they quote. they unfolded in front of the studios such a picture of the atrocities of the ataman in ukraine that the french studios hesitated, a c