naoko kikuchi was part of the group responsible for its attack on the tokyo subway.he was sentenced to five years in prison for her role in a separate incident. now the tokyo high court has overruled that sentence. 43-year-old kikuchi was released friday. she was charged with assisting attempted murder in 1995 by transporting bomb-making materials for the cult. she spent 17 years on the run before being arrested in 2012. the cult sent a parcel bomb to an office of the tokyo metropolitan government where it seriously wounded an employee. kikuchi pleaded not guilty at the tokyo district court which convicted her last year. the high court judge reversed that decision, saying the terrorist attack was intended to kill, but there is reasonable doubt as to whether kikuchi was aware of that. the victim of the explosion lost several fingers to the blast. he commented that kikuchi was on the run for years and must have had some sense of guilt. he said he was very disappointed to learn that the court didn't find her guilty. kikuchi's lawyer says the lower court decision is now