you came of age at a similar time in fashion to people like naomi campbell and kate moss.r she walked in and the... she literally charmed the whole room. naomi always thought she was going to be a star from when she was a baby. you know, they really are who they are. authentic. enninful has tackled alcohol problems and depression. his father kicked him out of the family home for choosing fashion over the law. the pair didn't speak for 15 years. when you went to really dark places, how bad did it get before you came through? i mean, it got very bad because, imagine, here i was, you know, i lost one home, which was africa, you know, came to england, then i lost a second home when i was kicked out, and then i went into the gay scene thinking i'd found my tribe and, again, so many rejections. you've had four eye operations. i never had good eyesight anyway, i always had sort of —10 glasses, and i had four retinal detachments, four surgeries, each time meant three weeks staring at the ground. but what i also learned from the period, you don't need perfect vision to create. rumo